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Montag tells Faber that his wife is dying as a way to gain Faber's sympathy and trust. Montag is seeking Faber's help and guidance in understanding books and the society they live in. By sharing this personal information, Montag hopes to establish a stronger connection with Faber.

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βˆ™ 3w ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Montag actually means that Millie's soul is dying. He is trying to justify stealing books by using his wife as an example of the death of humanity. She is an example of the vapid superficiality that plagues their society because of the absence of books and ideas.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Mildred is an example to Montag of their society's denial of the concept of death, especially when she refuses to acknowledge or dwell upon Clarisse's own death. Montag tells Faber of Mildred dying because he believes her soul is already gone, and she is slowly becoming an empty brainwashed cell that society had intended her to be.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Mildred (montage wife) denies it and says she couldn't possible have tried to kill herself

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Q: Why does Montag tell Faber his wife is dying?
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