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Prejudice can manifest in various forms, such as stereotyping, discrimination, and bias based on characteristics like race, gender, or religion. It often involves making judgments or assumptions about individuals or groups without adequate information or understanding. Prejudice can lead to harmful beliefs and behaviors that perpetuate inequality and injustice.

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12y ago

Prejudice is a mental state and therefore does not look like anything.

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Why is prejudice a bad thing?

Being prejudice is bad; you look at others wrong.

What is individual prejudice?

It means that you alone have been prejudice. Like your racist or have been sexual prejudice to someone else.

Why was Mary A Godwin prejudice?

Like Mae West, she did not like virtuous females. They simply revealed the true trash she was. Virtue made Godwin look bad.

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I loved it

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"Predigous" is spelled PREJUDICE. Like in Jane Austens book: "Pride and Prejudice"

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What is meant by prejudice?

Prejudice is when you don't like somebody just because of a label or preconceived notion. When you make a determination about someone's worth based on their race, gender or the crookedness of their teeth rather than actually getting to know them you are acting with bias which is also called prejudice. Prejudice can be based on almost anything, like religion or hair color or what kind of music you listen to. Below is a link to the definition of prejudice.

When was The Victim of Prejudice created?

"The Victim of Prejudice" was written by Mary Shelley in 1820. It is a lesser-known work compared to her more famous novels like "Frankenstein."

What does projudice mean?

Prejudice means without thinking, like"Kill with extreme prejudice" means kill without stopping or thinking.

Where in Pride and Prejudice can you find a metaphor?

Look at this reference:

How did Hitler use prejudice as a tool?

he used it against the Jews to make them look bad