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it means ignorance

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Q: What does Signifigance mean?
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What is the definition of signifigance?

Of or containing to importance.

What is the signifigance of Jamestown?

It was the first town in the 13 colonies

Why did the Horyuji temple in Japan have a second story?

To emphasize the structures signifigance

What does it mean when 4 doves are outside your window?

It means most likely there is a food source nearby, or a safe place they can roost without threat of predators. There is no 'cosmic" signifigance.

What is the signifigance of Indias monsoon season?

it supplies 80% of indias yearly rainfall

What is the signifigance of tamales?

They were made in order for the poor people to have something to unwrap for Christmas

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The line of communism and the separation of East and West Germany.

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See "What are the causes and effects of ozone layer depletion?"

What was the signifigance of the Battle of Chancellorsville?

Fatal shooting of Stonewall Jackson by his own men - officially accidental.

What is the significance of the Poem Conscience by Henry David Thoreau?

the signifigance was that he was raped 46 times after writing it

What was the signifigance of the attack of Pearl Harbor?

The attack on Pearl Harbor is how the United States became involved in WW2

How do you spell signifigance?

The spelling is "significant" (notable, or having some bearing).