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it means that you worship satan.

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Q: What does a Celtic cross tattoo over the heart mean?
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What does the cross on boondock saints mean?

its a Celtic cross

What does a cross tattoo with three rays mean?

Is sounds to be a Celtic tattoo, the Celtic cross represents the bridge or the passage between heaven and earth. If the cross has a ringed circle it is to signify infinity and eternal spiritual love & the three rays is a Celtic symbol also known as the Awen Symbol. Similar to the yin & yang symbol, the two outside rays representing male and female energy while the middle ray represents the balance of both energies.

What does a tattoo of a heart mean?

A tattoo of a heart could just easily symbolize love of something.

What does an Egyptian cross tattoo on the hand mean?

The Ankh, the Egyptian cross with a looped top, is a symbol of life. This does not mean that is how the person with the tattoo interprets it. When in doubt, ask.

What does heart with wings tattoo mean?

Letting your heart soar...

What does tattoo in mean maori culture?

There is no such thing as a maori Celtic sun tattoo. Māori and Celtic are two different cultures

What does tattoo with a cross in a fist mean?

This is traditionally a religeous symbol as the cross tipically represents christ.

What is the meaning of a black cross tattoo?

Well it can mean that your in love with demons

What does a cross tattoo between the eyes mean?

killed 5 people

What does a cross tattoo on the top of your back mean?

that the wearer worships Satan

What does heart tattoo behind ear mean?

you hate your date

What does a heart tattoo on the cheek mean?

that your a fan of marina and the diamonds