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because it is a semi permiable mambrine it allows some of the chemicals to take into and when it needs it discharge them out of cell.

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Q: What does a cell membrane have to help it to let chemicals in and out the cell?
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What does the cell membrane let out of the cell?

Cell waste

What is a Work of cell membrane?

To let water and minerals in and out of the cell.

What happens to the pocket in the cell in the membrane when it breaks loose from the membrane?

Usually, the membrane will burst and let its contents out into the cell membrane and get used up.

What is the function of the cell membrane and which cells have membrane?

The function of the cell membrane is to let things in and out of the cell. It's like a gate to the cell. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have cell membranes.

Does a cell membrane let food in?


What is the key function for a cell membrane?

The key function of the cell membrane is to let things in and out of the cell protecting the cell from danger. It is like a gatekeeper.

How do materials get into and out of the cell?

Through proteins in the membrane.

What does a cell membrane let pass in and out?

Cell membrance is a structure of cells

What is the purpace of a cell membrane?

The purpose of the cell membrane is to let materials like nutrients in and materials like waste out of the cell. They act as doors for the cell.

What function is cell membrane?

A cell membrane is a selectivley permeable membrane. This means that it only lets specific materials get in and out of the cell. The cell membrane helps to let only needed materials into the cell and to get unneeded materials out of the cell. (food goes in waste comes out.)

What is the function of the cell membrane in a bacteria cell?

It hold every thing together and has the same function as a cell membrane that means, it is surrounding the cell and deciding what to let into the cell.

What is the role of the cell membrane in moving substance in and out of the cell?

The cell membrane is considered to be semipermeable. This means that it will let some substances through (either in or out), but others it won't. The cell membrane is considered to be 3 layers (lipid, protein, lipid) Certain proteins will help substances into the cell, but some they won't let in. Generally, smaller molecules (oxygen, water, CO2, etc.) will pass through easier than larger molecules (glucose, other sugars). Basically, the cell membrane determines what substances are allowed to pass it/out of the cell.