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The muscles in your leg work against eachother.One contracts and one relaxes to push and pull the bones.

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Q: What does a leg muscle do if you have to lift it up?
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What muscle helps you lift your toes?

The gastrocnemius helps lift you onto your toes and it also forms the calf of your leg.

What muscle is in the leg that bends the knee and is made up of three muscles?

The only muscle of the leg that is made up of three muscles are the hamstrings.

What is the lump on your leg or muscle during cramp?

When you experience a leg or muscle cramp, it is because the muscle has constricted or tightened up. The lump you are referring to is the muscle itself that has tightened up. When your muscle relaxes, the cramp goes away.

What is the difference between tendu and degage?

Tendu is a leg exercise that stretches the leg muscle at you extend it. And degage is the same but a little lift off the floor.

What muscle is associated with being able to sit cross legged?

well, your biceps longus is the muscle on the top of your thigh. You engage this muscle when you lift it while in the sitting position. the , once the leg is crossed, it is gravity that keeps your leg in place. ( I think :) )

Why do people lift their leg up to fart?

Because it helps to get it out.

How can you create a bigger butt?

The Gluteus Maximus is the muscle that makes up most of what you call a "butt". To make it larger, you need go up stairs. Using the stairs, you lift the entire body on that one leg and that is what the Gluts do.

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Muscles in the lower leg?

There are two. The gastrocnemius muscle. This muscle is important in plantar flexion, allowing you to lift your heel when walking, running and jumping. Underneath it lies the soleus muscle, which, in addition to plantar flexion, continually adjusts your posture when standing and moving.

What muscle to you stretch when touching your toes?

The muscle that forms the calf of your lower leg is the muscle that helps you lift to your toes. This muscle is called the gastrocnemius.