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The lithosphere looks like a shell that is made up of rocks. This is the upper most surface of the earth which is made up of hard rock materials and other components.

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Q: What does a lithosphere look like?
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What color is Lithosphere?

Look at the rocks exposed around you, see their colours? That is the colour of the lithosphere.

What rocks make up pieces of the lithosphere?

Any rocks that looks like lithosphere!

tectonic plates?

major and minor blocks in the lithosphere

What are the Earth's lithosphere like?

The earth's lithosphere consists of it's crust, and it's upper mantle.

What is the crust and the upper mantle are called?

The crust and uppermost hard rocky mantle, together, is known as the lithosphere, which is above the plastic-like upper mantle area known as the asthenosphere.

What are two parts of the lithosphere?

The two parts of the lithosphere is the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle. Whoever wrote core and mantle....not even close. Just look up a interior earth image in Google and you'll see where the lithosphere is.

The zone below the lithosphere it is more plastic than the lithosphere so it is easier to bend and move?

The zone below the lithosphere is the mantle. Convection currents occur here because of the magnetism in the Earth. It is somewhat plastic like.

What is the plastic like layer of the earth below the the lithosphere?

The asthenosphere.

What are the plates of the lithosphere?

because my friend like peoples cheese....

What is a plastic like layer of earth below the the lithosphere?

The asthenosphere.

What kinds of tectonic plates are there?

There are two kinds of plates- continental lithosphere and oceanic lithosphere. There are many types of plate boundaries, like convergent, divergent, transform, and more. Continental lithosphere is granite and oceanic is basalt.

Why does oceanic lithosphere sink beneath convergent lithosphere at convergent boundaries?

As odd as it is to think of things this way, continental lithosphere is more buoyant than oceanic lithosphere. The oceanic lithosphere is more dense.