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Possible fibroids!?

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Q: What does a watery vaginal discharge with brownish particles that looks like dried or old blood mean?
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Vaginal discharge that I'd watery white with no itching or odor for a month?

If there is vaginal discharge that is watery white, but there is no itching or odor for a month, this is a completely natural bodily function.

What type of vaginal discharge is cause for concern?

Normal vaginal discharge includes:Clear, white, cream, off-white, yellow, pink, or brown in colour.Lotion-like or mucus.Musky but clean scent.Changes throughout your menstrual cycle.Abnormal vaginal discharge includes:Green or grey discharge.Pink or brown discharge when not expected.Clumpy like cottage-cheese, watery, or foamy.Fishy, ammonia, or yeast odour.Causes irritation or accompanied by soreness.

What does an infection from a tampon feel like?

A vaginal infection as a result of tampon use is no different from any other vaginal infection, most commonly tampons cause bacterial vaginosis which symptoms include a fishy odour and excessive watery discharge.

What is a 5 letter word starting with R that means 'watery eye discharge'?

The answer is rheum.Rheum is defined as a watery or mucous discharge from the eyes or the nose.It is pronounced "ROOM".

Does pregnancy make a woman's vaginal fluids watery?

Yes, increase in vaginal moisture is normal in pregnancy.

What could explain a wet discharge during pregnancy?

The development of your mucus plug: Your normal vaginal discharge is usually more runny but if it is really watery and comes as a gush go straight to the hospital as your waters may have broken prematurely.

What are the symptoms of candida vulvovaginitis?

Some of the symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis are: ~Watery and thin discharge ~A fishy or a strong unpleasant smell ~Greyish white discharge Less common symptoms are itchiness or soreness around the vagina and vulva. One of the less common sexually transmitted diseases, bacterial vaginosis has two common symptoms for women. There is an abnormal discharge, which can be yellow or grayish white, and a pungent odor from the groin area.

What are the symptoms of eye allergies?

Itching, buring and watery discharge from eyes.

If you are having lower back pains watery discharge butterflies are you pregnant?

Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. Watery discharge, butterflies, and lower back pains are not signs of pregnancy.

When a person cries there is a watery discharge from the nose due to activation of?

lachyrymal gland

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in males?

burning sensation during urination and white watery dischargeMale symptoms of trich are irritation of the penis, a discharge, and burning after urination or ejaculation.In men, there may be no symptoms at all. Some men notice a small amount of yellowish discharge from the penis, usually first thing in the morning. There may be some mild discomfort while urinating.

Is implantaion bleeding like pink and wateryish?

In some Women it is yes in others light vaginal spotting in underwear, pinkish or brownish coloured light bleeding or streaks of blood on tissue. IB usually lasts a few hours to 3 days. Heavy bleeding is not IB. Answer Hi mine was Mine was Pink stringy blood in discharge which was bit watery every women is different though. Streaky is a good word to describe it From Pink Princess