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Q: What does a would map look like?
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Would you show a highway or a road on a Map?

To show a highway or road on a map, you will see it just shows a thinish or thickish line. That's what a highway,or road should look like on a map that you will look at and see.

If the gulf oil spill covered one third of the worlds sea's what would that look like on a map?

It would look like the greatest human horror ever created

What does a economic map look like?

an economic map look like Avery colorful map with a lot of decimal points and is very helpline you mapping skill

If you wanted to find how how far an inch on a map represented in actual distance where would you look?

You would look for the map's scale, which is typically provided in a legend on the map. The scale will indicate the ratio between a unit of length on the map (such as an inch) and the actual distance it represents in real life. This ratio allows you to convert distances on the map to their real-world equivalents.

How does a contour map show hilltops?

They will look like little circles at the center of graduated contours. In text, a hilltop would look something like this: ( ( ( ( O ) ) ) )

What type of map would you use to find out what the weather is like in San Francisco?

Thematic map. If your doing that geography packet look at the directions above that.

How would a crunched piece of paper look?

Like a map showing area above sea level