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It means the Breast cancer is aggressive but its in stage 1 along with a cancer that will spread fast because its aggressive type of cancer the possibility it can spread.

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Q: What does aggression 3 mean with stage 1 breast cancer diagnosis?
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The outcome of breast cancer is very dependent of the stage at the time of diagnosis.

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What diagnostic test that can detect breast mass as small as 1cm or less?

Most commonly a mammogram is used in the initial diagnosis stage of breast cancer. However typically a biopsy is required to confirm or rule out breast cancer.

What is the final stage breast cancer?

Stage 4

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Prognosis:Metastatic breast cancer isn't the same for everyone who has it. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), your symptoms at stage 4 will depend on the degree to which the cancer has spread in your body.Although metastatic breast cancer has no cure, it can be treated. Receiving proper treatment can increase both your quality of life and your longevity.Metastasised:To understand the prognosis for stage 4 breast cancer, it helps to know something about the process of metastasis. When cancer "metastasizes," it has spread beyond the part of the body where it originated. In the case of breast cancer, receiving a stage 4 diagnosis may mean the cancer has reached your bones, lungs, liver, or even your brain.Stage 4 Breast Cancer:If you've been told that you have metastatic breast cancer, this means that the cancer has advanced to what's known as "stage 4."Stage 4 breast cancer is defined as having spread beyond the breast tissue into other areas of the body.

What is the prognosis for stage 3 brain cancer?

The 5-year breast cancer survival rate for stage 2 breast cancer diagnosed in the U.S. varies according to size of the tumor and whether or not cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.If the breast cancer is under 2 centimeters in diameter and has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm (the axillary lymph nodes), it is stage IIA breast cancer and the survival rate is 88%-92% (American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute).If the breast cancer is between 2-5 centimeters but has not spread, it is also called stage IIA.If the breast cancer is between 2-5 centimeters in diameter and has spread to the lymph nodes, it is called stage IIB breast cancer and the 5-year breast cancer survival rate is 76%-81%.If the breast cancer is larger than 5 centimeters but has not spread beyond the breast, it is also called stage IIBUp to 29% of diagnosed breast cancer is Stage 2 breast cancer for white women and 36% for black women. An average of 62% of all breast cancer is diagnosed when it is still localized to the breast area or Stage 1 breast cancer. If the cancer is detected early enough, such as Stage 1 breast cancer, then the 5-year breast cancer survival rate is as high as 98%-100%. Early detection is the most important way to save the lives of cancer patients.

What are the first signs of Phase IV Cancer?

Stage IV breast cancer is the type of cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body. There are generally no signs of Stage IV cancer as it has already been diagnosed at an earlier stage.

What is it call when breast cancer move from one area to another organ?

When breast cancer spreads from the original site to another part of the body, it is called metastatic breast cancer. This stage of cancer is also known as stage IV breast cancer. It can affect organs such as the bones, liver, lungs, or brain.

What are the signs of breast cancer in stage 2?

The different stages of breast cancer refer to how far the cancerous tumor has spread in the body. In Stage 2, the cancer is still relatively small and contained in the breast. It may or may not have reached the lymph nodes.

What is the use of a biopsy for the breast?

The use of a biopsy for the breast is to check for cancer. Women are at a very high risk for breast cancer and a biopsy is a way to prevent the cancer in an early stage.

What is unilateral breast cancer?

Unilateral breast cancer refers to cancer that develops in only one breast, as opposed to bilateral breast cancer, which affects both breasts. Here are some key points about unilateral breast cancer: Incidence: Unilateral breast cancer is much more common than bilateral breast cancer. The majority of breast cancer cases are unilateral, with only a small percentage of cases occurring bilaterally. Types: Unilateral breast cancer can manifest in various types and subtypes, including ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), inflammatory breast cancer (IBC), and others. The specific type and subtype of breast cancer determine its characteristics, behavior, and treatment options. Risk Factors: The risk factors for unilateral breast cancer are similar to those for breast cancer in general and may include factors such as gender (being female), increasing age, family history of breast cancer, genetic mutations (such as BRCA1 and BRCA2), personal history of breast cancer or certain benign breast conditions, hormonal factors (such as early menstruation or late menopause), obesity, alcohol consumption, and exposure to ionizing radiation. Diagnosis: Unilateral breast cancer is typically diagnosed through a combination of imaging tests (such as mammography, ultrasound, or MRI) and tissue sampling (such as biopsy) to confirm the presence of cancerous cells and determine the type and stage of the cancer. Treatment: Treatment for unilateral breast cancer depends on various factors, including the type and stage of the cancer, as well as the individual's overall health and preferences. Treatment options may include surgery (such as lumpectomy or mastectomy), radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these approaches. Prognosis: The prognosis for unilateral breast cancer varies depending on factors such as the stage at diagnosis, tumor characteristics, and response to treatment. With advances in early detection and treatment, many individuals with unilateral breast cancer can achieve long-term survival and even cure, particularly when the cancer is detected and treated at an early stage. Overall, unilateral breast cancer is a significant health concern affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Early detection, prompt diagnosis, and timely treatment are crucial for improving outcomes and reducing mortality from unilateral breast cancer. It is essential for individuals to be aware of their breast health, undergo recommended screening tests, and promptly report any changes or concerns to their healthcare provider.

Can yhu survive breast cancer?

Yes,it depends what stage you are in.