

What does being British mean?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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12y ago

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beind british means nt knowing what being british means

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Q: What does being British mean?
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the British use the expression to describe being drunk.

What does being a british citizen mean?

it means pasty skin and a droll sense of humour.

What does it mean to be British?

The right to live work vote attend school in Britain. As well as being part of the British Culture.Same applies for:all other DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES.

Does Robert Patinson have a British accent?

Being British he has a British accent.

What is citizenship if born in Glasgow?

Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.Their citizenship will be British and they can get a British passport. Many people will refer to themselves as being Scottish, as Glasgow is in Scotland.

Is British an examle of ethnicity?

No, being British is a nationality. Being Caucasian or Hispanic would be an ethnicity.

Does Wikipedia refer to any British people as British?

Not very often. However, most British people don't call themselves British either. They refer to themselves as being English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. English people are probably the worst offenders by using the term 'English' when they actually mean British.

Who saved the American flag from being burned by the British?

The british

Is Nicky Marie always wrong and being kinda MEAN to Nathan?

Yes, she is always wrong, especially when it is about british accents and geckos. and, she can be known to be mean to people named Nathan.

What does the sun never sets in the British empire mean?

The British had gained territory in Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Asia as well as being located in Europe.

How does a British person shorten his life?

by being british, what kind of question is that!

What is the difference between being Jewish and being German Russian British etc?

Being Jewish is a religion. Being British, Russian, German etc is your nationality. So you can be both!!!