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I am not sure what you are meaning, but no I think not, you will find out the babys sex only when you are 18 weeks +, if you are living in the UK then you will find out at your 20 week scan (normality scan).

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Q: What does blue and pink line mean after the ultrasound Is it possible for the ultrasound to tell your baby gender?
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What are blue babies?

Blue baby is a symptom of possible conditions at birth. They can range from irregularities in the heart, to the baby not getting enough oxygen.

Where did the blue boy and pink lady come from?

The Blue Boy and Pink Lady are characters often associated with traditional gender reveal parties. The blue represents a boy while the pink represents a girl, symbolizing the gender of the baby to be revealed at the party.

Red yellow and blue colors on a gynecologic ultrasound?

Red is oxygen (artery); blue is waste (vein).

Is blue for men or women to wear?

blue can be very stylish for both men and women! Blue is gender neutral for most but is a traditional "boy" baby color if that's what you mean.

When was Blue Gender created?

Blue Gender was created in 1999.

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The duration of Blue Gender is 1.58 hours.

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Does it cover ultrasound

My brother has baby blue eyes and his girlfriend has light green eyes there baby was born with brown eyes Is this possible We dont think its his child and none of our family has brown eyes?

Of course the baby can have brown eyes!! Only 2 blue eyed people can have a blue eyed baby, any other eye colour is possible when 2 parents have different colour eyes.

What do red and blue marks on a knee ultrasound mean?

I think you are talking about a Doppler ultrasound. The direction of blood flow is assigned the color red and blue, basically it indicates that the blood is flowing toward or away from the ultrasound transducer, respectively.

I don't want to know the sex of my baby until he or she is born but my mother is already buying sheets for his or her bed-- where can I find fun children's sheets that have a gender neutral pattern on them?

Any baby shop that carries baby blue sheets will work well. Other gender-neutral colors include tan or green.

What is the gender of a parakeet with a bluish pinkish nose?

If it has a bluish pinkish nose it is a male. It is still a baby. When it's nose it completely blue, then it is an adult.

Can a baby have blue eyes if father has brown eyes and mother has blue eyes?

It is very possible to have a blue eye child if both parents have different eye colors. It's also possible to have kids that have different eye colors.