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These are transformations that do not change the shape or size, only its location (translation) or orientation (rotation).

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Q: What does congruence transformations mean?
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What is a congruence transformation?

A congruence transformation of a shape is one that does not alter the size (area) or the relative lengths and positions of the lines.Translations, rotations and reflections are all example of simple transformations which are congruent.

What is the reflection in Geometry?

Reflections are congruence transformations where the figure is reflected over the x-axis, y-axis, or over a line.

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What does in congruence mean?

Being yourself!

What does congruence mean in counseling?

Being yourself!

Is congruence an adverb or adjective?

Congruence is a Noun.

Why was this symbol created?

It was created for the use of congruence between segments, angles, and triangles. Also it was created for the transitional property of congruence, symmetry property of congruence, and Reflexive property of congruence.

What is reflexive symmetric and transitive properties of Congruence?

Congruence is basically the same as equality, just in a different form. Reflexive Property of Congruence: AB =~ AB Symmetric Property of Congruence: angle P =~ angle Q, then angle Q =~ angle P Transitive Property of Congruence: If A =~ B and B =~ C, then A =~ C

which property can you use t prove that IF....?

reflexive property of congruence

which congruence postulate or theorem would you use to prove MEX?

HL congruence theorem

What are congruence theorems?

there are 4 types of congruence theorem-: ASA,SSS,RHS,SAS