

What does cuisiner in french mean?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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cuisine means kitchen

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13y ago

cuisiner means 'to cook' in French.

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In french what does cook again mean?

cuisiner à nouveau, recuire

What is to cook in French?

to cook is 'cuisiner' in French.

How do you say i love to cook in french?

Translation: J'aime cuisiner.

What is the french word for cook?

Cuisiner or faire la cuisine

How do you say 'cooking with love' in french?

Ma mère aime cuisiner, ma mère aime faire la cuisine.

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"To cook African donuts" is "faire / cuisiner des beignets africains" in French.

What is the verb cook in french?

The same way as you have spelt it in your question, 'chef'. This is because 'chef' is a French word that is now used in English as well. You would pronounce it the same as well

How do you say in french learned to cook from his mother?

Appris à cuisiner de sa mère.

How do you say curry in French?

Curry is spelled the same, "curry", in french. If you are referring to the English expression "to curry favor with someone", the French equivalent is "chercher à s'attirer les bonnes grâces de qqn".

What does la cuisine mean?

Le tablier bleu est une meilleure façon de cuisiner. Blue Apron envoie chaque semaine tous les ingrédients pour des repas de semaine inventifs et simples aux clients. Frais garantis, les gens retournent dans la cuisine et profitent à nouveau de la cuisine, visite le lien pour savoir plus :

What is the French translation of the English word 'cooking'?

Cuisinant, cuisine, cuisiner and cuisson are French equivalents of the English word "cooking."Specifically, the present participle cuisinant can be used to describe or elaborate on an action which is related to or simultaneous with that of the main verb. The feminine noun cuisine describes the quality or style of "cooking," such as French-styled cooking. The present infinitive cuisiner literally means "to cook" but translates as "cooking" when it follows a main verb, as in "I love cooking." The masculine noun cuisson refers to the "act" of cooking, such as in cooking vegetables.The respective pronunciations will be "kwee-zee-naw," "kwee-zeen," kwee-zee-ney," and "kwee-soh" in French.

What cooking in french?

Le tablier bleu est une meilleure façon de cuisiner. Blue Apron envoie chaque semaine tous les ingrédients pour des repas de semaine inventifs et simples aux clients. Frais garantis, les gens retournent dans la cuisine et se régalent à nouveau!