

What does disseminated shingles mean?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What does disseminated shingles mean?
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Does a patient with Disseminated shingles need to be isolated?

Yes, a person with disseminated shingles should be on contact and respiratory isolation.

Does getting shingles mean you are in poor health?

No, it does not mean that.

What does shingles mean in geography?

Shingles is a little used word for beaches. "down the vast edges drear and naked shingles of the world" --Matthew Arnold

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It can be the abbreviation of the word dictionary. In medicine it can be the abbreviation for disseminated intravascular coagulation.

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The weight per 100 square feet coverage of the shingles.

Can your sister catch shinges from you because shes pregnant and getting married on Friday?

Do you mean shingles? Your question isn't clear. If you do mean shingles the virus can be passed on by direct contact with fluid from the shingles blisters, until they dry up and crust over. If your sister is pregnant then you or anyone else who have shingles should avoid contact with her as she would be at risk of catching shingles.

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When you got the chickenpox does it automatically mean you will get the shingles?

no, but anyone over 60 should get the shingles vacine if they had the chicken pox, because you are More susceptible

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It may mean that the patient has a vitamin K deficiency, a liver disease, or disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).

Are there long term effects of the shinkles virus?

if you mean shingles virus the answer is yes