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Q: What does energy generated on earth return to space as?
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Related questions

What is a heat energy that is trapped by the earth atmosphere and cannot return to space?

This is standard heat energy that is trapped by greenhouse gases.

How can you return to outer space from earth in astro island?

Get in your space ship and fly down to earth

How does the space ship return to earth?

It is automatic

How do the Russian astronauts return to earth?

Russian astronauts return to earth using space capsules.The space capsules have a parachute on it like the early NASA capsules.

Earth loses heat energy to outer space mainly by?

Earth loses heat energy to outer space mainly by radiation.

The primary method of energy transfer by which Earth loses energy to outer space is?

Earth loses energy to outer space through radiation.

Did Yuri gagarin return to earth safely?

After going into space, yes, he returned to Earth safely.

How fast does a space shutle return to earth?

27,875 kilometers a hour

When earth receives energy from the sun some energy escapes back into what?


When the amount of energy receive from the sun and the amount of energy return to space are about equal it is called what?

radiation balance

Is earth an isolated system?

No. An isolated system is one which has no exchange of matter and energy with the surrounding. In case of earth, many gas particles of earth's atmosphere are lost to the space. Also it receives energy from the earth. Hence there is a transfer of matter and energy with surrounding (universe) so earth is not an isolated system.

Objects in space that can only be viewed from earth because of reflected light energy are said to be what?

Objects in space that can only be viewed from earth becouse of reflected light energy are said to be