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1. Creating an incident response policy that define what constitutes an "incident".

2. Establishing capabilities to detect when an incident occurs.

3. Developing procedures for performing incident handling and reporting.

4. Setting communication guidelines and identifying key personnel

5. Training the response team.

6. Validating the incident response procedures by exercising them

7. Performing after-action evaluation of the policies, procedures, and incident to capture "lessons learned" after an incident or exercise of the incident response plan

8. Updating the incident response plan and capabilities based on lessons learned

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6mo ago

Establishing an incident response capability involves several key components. First, it requires creating a dedicated team responsible for responding to incidents promptly. Second, developing an incident response plan that outlines the steps to be followed during an incident. Third, conducting regular training and exercises to ensure the team is well-prepared to handle incidents effectively. Finally, implementing a system for monitoring and detecting potential security incidents in real-time.

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