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Literally, and with your spirit.
"And with your spirit"

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It is almost the Latin phrase et cum spiritu tuo - the spelling is important. It means "and with thy spirit"

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"Dominus vobiscum ... Et cum spiritu tuo" = "The Lord be with you ... And with your spirit."

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"Who with the Father"... The full liturgical phrase being "Qui cum patre et spiritu sancto vivit et regnat deus per omnia sexula. Amen"... Translated as: "Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, God forever and ever, Amen".

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Why was et cum spiritu tuo used in Latin mass?

The phrase 'et cum spiritu tuo' means 'and with your spirit'. This was used in Latin mass, after a sentence which said to the people that 'The Lord is with you', then to the priest, 'and with your spirit'. To focus on the spirit, however, does not downplay the full person of the priest (who is, of course, body and soul together, like us all). It is meant to focus on the Spirit of God being present in the celebrant. A good explanation can be found here:

How do I say and with you in Latin?

It depends on how many people you are speaking to and in what circumstances. In medieval monastic use, the correct response to Dominus vobiscum ("may the Lord be with you [all]") is et cum spiritu tuo ("and with thy spirit"), not "and with you".If speaking to a single person, "and with you" is et tecum.If speaking to more than one person, it is et vobiscum.

What does et tu spirit tu tu oh mean?

spirit and you you you oh

What does spiritu santus means?

Do you mean et Spiritus Sancti? This would mean "and of the Holy Spirit", a phrase from the Christian benediction In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit".If the first word is really es, this would mean "you [singular] are of the Holy Spirit"; "you belong to the Holy Spirit".

Who said Rubor et tumor cum calore et dolore?

Celsus did

Translate and also with you into Latin?

Et etiam cum tuum.

Ut prosim cum caritate et luce Dei what does it mean the first is That I may serve?

That I may serve with the charity and light of God.

Benedicamus patrem et filium cum sancto spiritu?

The correct Latin phrase is in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. The phrase means 'in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'. In the word-by-word translation, the preposition 'in' means 'in'. The noun 'nomine' means 'name'. The noun 'patris' means 'father'. The conjunction 'et' means 'and'. The noun 'filii' means 'son'. The noun 'spiritus' means 'spirit'. The adjective 'sancti' means 'holy, sacred'.

What is 'Ut prosim cum caritate et luce Dei' in English?

The phrase 'cum caritate et luce Dei' means with the love and light of God. In the word-by-word translation, the preposition 'cum' means 'with'. The noun 'caritate' means 'love'. The conjunction 'et' means 'and'. The noun 'luce' means 'light'. The noun 'Dei' means 'God'.