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Bible, New Testament, Paul's Letter to the Galatians, Chapter 2, Verse 8.

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Q: What does galatians 2 8 mean?
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In Galatians 3 /10 says we must believe in the work of god and not of men .

What does Galatians 3 10 mean?

In Galatians 3 /10 says we must believe in the work of god and not of men .

Where is it in the Bible where Saint Peter and St. Paul disagree?

In Paul's letter to the Galatians, Galatians 2:11

What are the Pairs of contrast found in Galatians?

If you mean contrast with other Books in the Bible, the following are some;1.According to John 2:19-21, Jesus raised himself from the dead. according to Galatians 1:1, it's God who raised Jesus from the dead.2. According to Romans 15:2 & 1 Corinthian 10:33, we should try to please others. According Galatians 1:10, No, we should not try to please others.3.On the question "Did Paul go to Jerusalem from Damascus immediately after his conversion?", Acts 9:26 says Yes, Galatians 1:16-17, says no.4. On the question "Did Paul visit all of the disciples when he went to Jerusalem after his conversion?" Acts 9:28-28, says yes; Galatians 1:18-19 says, No, only Peter & James.5.On the question "Are the laws of the Old Testament still binding? Matthew 5:18-19 & Luke 16:17, says Yes; Galatians 5:18 says, Christians are no longer under the OT law.6.On the question "How many sons did Abraham had?", Hebrews 11:17 says, Abraham have only one begotten son. Galatians 4:22 says Abraham have 2 sons.7.On the question "Is circumcision required?", The OT says Absolutely. Galatians 5:2 says not at all.8.On the question "Is it possible to fall from grace?", John 10:28 & Romans 8:38-39 says No. Galatians 5:4 says, Yes.9.On the question "How should nonbelievers be treated?" 2 Corinthians 14-17 says, Shun them. Galatians 5:14, says "Love thy neighbours as thyself."10. On the question "Should we bear each other's burdens?" Galatians 6:5 says, yes. Galatians 6:2 says, No.

Why did Allah make ocean water salty?

Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

What does 8 is 2 C mean?

8 = 2 cubed

What is the geometric mean of 8 and 10?

MEAN = ( 8+10 )/2 = 18/2 =9

What does Galatians 327 mean?

Biblically, there is no special significance to 327. But biblical numerology might have another answer.

What is 2 4 of 8?

If you mean: 2/4 of 8 then it is the same as 1/2 of 8 = 4

What is the slope of (8-2) and (-28)?

If you mean: (8, -2) and (-2, 8) then the slope works out as -1

8 over 7 divided by 2?

If you mean to divide 2 by the fraction 7/8, that is the same as multiplying with the reciprocal: 2 x 8/7.If you mean to divide 2 by the fraction 7/8, that is the same as multiplying with the reciprocal: 2 x 8/7.If you mean to divide 2 by the fraction 7/8, that is the same as multiplying with the reciprocal: 2 x 8/7.If you mean to divide 2 by the fraction 7/8, that is the same as multiplying with the reciprocal: 2 x 8/7.

What is the definition of Galatians 2 20?

Galatians 2:20 is a verse from the bible stating a new life in the becoming of a follower of Christ. This verse states that he who does follow in Christ will live not for themselves but for God and his teachings.