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Hedgie poo is kinda like sticky rat droppings

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Q: What does hedgehog excrement look like?
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What does hedgehog poop look like?

look it up!

What would the son of Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat look like?

Like a hybrid between a bat and a hedgehog.

What does bear skat look like?

Bear skat in short looks like excrement from the rear side of a bear.

Are there bird excrement fossils?

Yes, they are called Fusulinids (Fusulinidae). They look like grains of rice.

Does bat excrement look similar to mouse excrement?

Quite similar due to the similar diets

What does a shadow look like at midnight?

A vampire hedgehog like sonins a werehog at night

Is shadow really an android?

yes he is he are the robot that he look like an hedgehog

What do the black swan look like?

black swans are black.they have a red beak.with a white tip.

What does a Shadow the Hedgehog emblem look like?

It is a spiked spiral in red, here is an example:

What is a hedgehog more like?

a hedgehog is more like a porcupine

Why does silver the hedgehog's head look like weed?

Because the artist who designed Silver was high when he did it.