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Well it could be that he likes you. Or that he's talking smack about you. If I were you I'd ask him.

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Q: What does is mean when the boy you like's friend stares and points at you?
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If a boy laughs stares and hangs out with you what does that mean?

it might mean he likes you but if he does not flirt with you then he is probably just adoring how good of a friend you are.

What does it mean if the girl you like is with your friend and strares at you?

it depends on HOW she stares at you. it could mean she likes you, but it could also mean she hates you or anything in between.

If your opposite sex friend stares into your eyes during a long pause in conversation does it mean anything?

it means she / he likes you

What does it mean when the guy you likes best friend stares at you?

Well, either he likes you. Or somehow it got out that you like his friend, and he wants to try and set you up. It could also mean that his friend likes you, and is trying to figure out if you like him! good luck!!! Or maybe he's just a creep.

What does it mean when a girl Stares at you for a day but doesn't the next?

she liked u then the next day she hate u or likes u as a friend

What does it mean when a boy knows you like him stares at you and whispers to his friends about you?

It means he likes you back, or he knows you like him, so he tells his friend.

What does mean when a boy stares at a girl?

Then she probably likes him.

What does it mean when a boy stares?

he likes u He likes you or is thinking really hard

If a guy stares at you a lot but not when he is with his friends does that mean he likes you?

yes that does mean he likes you (good for you any wayz)

What does it means if the guy that likes u stares at your friends?

It might mean he likes them too.

What does it mean if a girl stares at a group of boys for a whille then stares at you we you are not looking at her?

she likes you or you have something funny or disgusting on you

What does it mean if a boy stares at you all the time?

He probably likes you