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Spotting before your period should be discussed with your physician or OBGYN. One common reason for spotting in endometriosis. Normally, the uterus is lined with a rich tissue called endometrial tissue. This tissue grows during your cycle to potentially accomodate a foetus, and if you do not fall pregnant, that thickened lining sloughs off, which results in your period. Occasionally though, endometrial tissue can make its way to other parts of the body- typically to the ovaries or fallopian tubes, but cases have been documented where it has found its way to the lungs and other places (v. v. rare!!)! This tissue grows as it would have in the uterus, and can cause bleeding at unusual times, typically before your period is due. Women with endometriosis commonly complain of cramping and spotting, and often the spotting can be a dark red or chocolatey colour. It is important to remember that endometriosis is a common disorder that causes the symptom you mentioned, but does not constitute a diagnosis- you should still see your physician or OBGYN for a diagnosis and treatment (if it is required). Hope that helped! Aj :)

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IF THE BLOOD is brownish colour then im guessing its just old blood. not sure though.

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What does spotting mean before your period in your 15?

Spotting is just when there are small amounts of blood in your discharge. If this is just before your period then it is likely just the start of your period.

What does it mean when you are spotting before your period?

Spotting is normal before your period - your period doesn't just suddenly start, it starts slowly at first so only small amounts of blood will leave your body, this is spotting.

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Spotting is normal before your period, it's just the start of your period as the uterine lining starts to shed. You can also get spotting after your period, or mid-cycle spotting around the time of ovulation.

Spotting red blood before period?

Brownish then after few hours light bright red blood

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menstrual period is the monthly blood circulation of girls while spotting are the release of the blood when you are pregnant

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any sort of spotting either before or after is considered to be your period.

Is it normal to begin spotting a few days after a period appears to be completely over?

If the spotting is brown blood then this is simply left over blood from your period.

If your dog is spotting blood is it on its period?

I have a dog that is about 7 months old and she just started spotting. Yes she is on her period or "in heat".

SPOtting while on your period what does that mean?

Like your blood is on your underwear while you have your period.

Brown spotting at the end of period?

Dead blood cells

What are symptoms of spotting?

Spotting is just that...period blood that isn't a full on flow. There will little bits here and there.

Blood spotting on period could you be pregnant?

Sometimes women have implantation spotting that they confuse with their period. You should take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.