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This means they were more interested in this world than in the religion and getting to heaven.

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Q: What does it mean that people became more secular during the Renaissance?
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Why were people more religious during the Renaissance?

Weren't they more SECULAR; because in the Renaissance, people began to think about humanism, so i think you mean the Reformation.

What were some effects of Greek influence on the Italian Renaissance?

Well the Greeks influenced the people, to focus more on secular themes. So then people became less, and less dependent on religion.

Why was education of the masses became important during the Renaissance?

How people discovered many different arts

People Shakespeare Knew During the Renaissance?

Shakespeare lived during the Renaissance, so everyone he knew, he knew during the renaissance.

What did the people during the Renaissance use for transportation?

People used trains during the renaissance use for transportation.

Did renaissance art reflect the values of the time?

Art during the renaissance (which means "rebirth") reflected the values of that time because it show cased high realism, ideal beauty, and harmony and balance. Body proportions were explored as people became more accepting to science. Leonardo da Vinci was 'the renaissance man' because he explored everything, from literature, to science, to the arts, to mathematics. During this time, people of the renaissance were looking at themselves as people and humanism became their focus. Their art glorified man, by showing ideal beauty.

What did people do during the Renaissance?

Some of them planted crops, tended livestock, dug ditches, or made bricks, pretty much like their ancestors before the Renaissance. But an increasing number of people were learning to read, inventing things, painting pictures, and composing songs in polyphony--both motets (religious) and madrigals (secular).

Where did people get their clothes during the renaissance?

from the tailors

How did Art change in Renaissance?

people became more the focus of art

How did writing change during the Renaissance?

Writing changed during the renaissance by the people developing their own writing called venacular

What are the concerns and attitudes emphasized during the renaissance?

The concerns and attitudes emphasized during the Renaissance was that the people were more concerned about the well being of themselves rather than what the church said. They began to care less about what the Pope was saying. They became more optimistic about life and having fun.

Who was the leader in Venice during the Renaissance period?
