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Dogs have good hearing, and move their ears forward to listen to what is in front of them. As they have forward facing eyes, this is often a point of interest - such as an owner or food. Generally, ears forward indicate friendliness and interest, but can also mean the dog is alert to danger and should not be taken as a friendly sign in an unknown dog.

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It could mean they are going to attack something or they are frightened Also it means they aren't sure what you are about to do to them or what is about to happen

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It means that they hear a sound that is either unfamiliar or they are suspicious about the sound.

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it means that they're happy

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Q: Why do dogs ears go straight back what does this mean?
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What do dogs posture mean?

I've had six dogs, and I find that if the the dog's back is arched upwards when they are standing it means they are either bloated, sick, or about to puke. Standing straight up panting is in pleasure, (with ears up). Standing up straight with slowly wagging or not moving tail with ears up, is looking with interest (when they are curious). Tail between the legs is scared (with ears back.) Ears back while standing up straight is when they feel threatened (w/ tail up, not moving), also barking or growling is an obvious sign. Tail between the legs with ears back, and constant recoiling is feeling nervousness and scared. If a dog is laying down on its side with its stomach exposed is when they are being submissive (and/or rolling on their back).

What are the flappy parts on the dogs face called?

If you mean the skin folds, then they usually are called jowls. If you mean the ears, then they are promptly called ears.

What does a pierced right ear mean?

There used to be a standard that guys with their right ears pierced were gay and their left ears pierced were straight. It doesn't have to mean anything. And that is really outdated.

What does it mean when a bunny has its ears up?

It means they are alert. listening. or paying attention. (if the ears are forward) If the ears are pointed back it can mean irritation or anger or fear.

What does it mean when the hamsters ears go back?

A hamster will move its ears back when it feels threatened or is scared. This is one way of determining the mood of your hamster.

If a horses ears are back what doe sit mean?

He is upset about something.

What does it mean when a donkey puts it ears back but not down?

It's listening behind it or there's wind blowing in it's ears

What does ear back on a Alsatian mean?

When any breed of dog has its ears back, it is a sign of apprehension. If ears back is accompanied by the tail down and between its rear legs, the dog is afraid of something.

Should dogs pull on other dogs ears?

that's how dogs show affection toeach other......when u have ur late night cap with your man u tend to show love and affection. u may nibble on his ear and he may nibble on yours and it the say way for the dog. probably because she likes him.

What is the term straight back on an airplane?

If by "straight back" you mean "directly behind the aircraft" then the term is "6 o'clock" or "my/ your six".

What does it mean when horses ears are slarnted backwrads?

having their ears pinned back is a horses way of showing aggrevation or annoyance. Unless there are flies, then they may be trying to prevent that. But mostly not a good thing when your horses ears are back

What does it mean when a horse has its ears back?

When a horse's ears are pinned back (Flat against the back of it's head.) it is telling you "Back off buddy!" It means the horse is not in a good mood. (It is not happy.) This could be followed by a kick or a bite, so watch out and back up!