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Please be more clear, what colour is it? Green? Brown? Red? It could be something the dog recently ate, but I'd not, we need more detail

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Q: What does it mean when a dogs drool is not clear?
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Related questions

What is another word for drool?

the fleshy thing in dogs tong is drool

What is the meaning of drooling?

Drooling can mean your dog is trying to cool off, or your dog is nervous, or your dog is sick. Also, some dogs drool naturally (for example, bull dogs and Newfoundland dogs).Cats can drool when they're happy or when they are sick.

Do Estrela mountain dogs drool?


Why do dogs drool?

Dogs do not sweat, like we humans do. Instead they pant. But in order for panting to help keep them cool, their tongue must be moist. They drool to keep their tongue moist. Some dogs drool more than others and some are just better at keeping it from dripping out of their mouths. Dogs also drool because they are hungry or tired. Some dogs just drool all the time though.he sees something he wants

Why do dogs chatter their teeth and drool if they are not cold?

A dogs teeth may chatter and they may drool if they are nervous. This can also happen if they have a dental disease.

Do dogs drool when they smell food?


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How much do dogs drool a day?

A lot.

Do french bulldogs drool?

yes I have a french bulldog and when I am eating somthing she start to drool rapidly but other wise they do not drool

Do Pembroke welsh corgi drool a lot?

Corgis are not known to drool much, usually larger dogs are known to drool a lot, such as a Rottweiler or Great Dane.

Why do dogs drool when they hear a can opener?

They don't, or at least shouldn't. :P

Why is my dog randomly drooling today?

He could be having puppies or he could be in pain.