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It could mean a lot of things, many horses do that for different reasons. The horse may want some attention, or a treat if you give your horse any. My horse does it sometimes when he wants to go riding. But like I said it could mean anything.

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Q: What does it mean when a horse touches your nose with his?
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What does it mean when somebody touches their nose?

maybe it mean someone will have argument with you! .................................................................................................. It means the finger and nose came in contact with Each other.

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Horse nose

What does it mean if a man always touches his nose in your presence?

He may have hay fever or he may be lying to you. Researchers state that lying causes prickly sensations on your nose which cause you to react by touching your nose. So, if he touches his nose often when he is communicating with you, you might want to consider his words carefully.

What does it mean when a guy touches your nose?

If he touches your nose in a friendly manner,then its just for fun...but if he talks to you all the time and whenever you look at him and catch him looking at you,then it means that he likes you!and even if he smiles a lot when you are around he likes you!

What does it mean to win by a nose in horse racing?

The nose is the first part of the horse to cross the finish line. To "win by a nose" means that the winner just barely beat the second place finisher -- by the length of his nose.

What does it mean when a boy touches your nose?

It means he's weird... seriously, that's creepy

What does on the nose mean?

This idiom comes from horse racing. You'd bet on whichever horse's nose would come in first. If you make a good guess, you're "on the nose."

What does make it by a nose mean?

Usually the phrase is "Won by a nose", referring to horse races. The winner in a horse race is determined by which horse gets part of the body over the finish line first (which will almost always be his nose). When a race is so close that the lead horse is only ahead by a few inches, this is called "winning by a nose" because the lead horse was about a horses-nose-length ahead of the second horse. This is also where we get "photo finish", where the still-frame photograph was necessary to know which nose actually crossed the finish line first.

What color is the black horse of Santiago?

The horse of Santiago was gray because he had a dark colored nose. To be an official white horse...the horse has to have a pink nose.

What is it called when a pink dolphin touches its tail to its nose?

Pink Floyd?

What is a hotspot on a horse?

the nose is

What does the expression to win by a nose mean?

"Win by a nose" is a horse racing term -- and means that the lead horse was just a little bit ahead of the second place horse. Actually, in the finish-photo the lead horse is ahead by the tip of its nose. Hence the term "photo finish" by the way... ;-) In everyday useage, "win by a nose" means any race that is very, very close.