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Q: What does it mean when someone tells you that you have put on perfume because of her?
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What does it mean when you can smell perfume and no ones about?

It means maybe you are wearing perfume yourself. Or maybe someone was just there who was wearing such strong perfume that you can still smell it after they're gone.

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That could mean to contradict the other person or undermine what they are saying.

What does it mean when perfume turns yellow?

When perfume turns yellow that means its time to get rid of it or someone added some chemicals or food coloring to it. ;)

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Because of shakespear allusion there are many mistaked have been done in the drama as you like it

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Your signature.

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I think it means that he's still getting over someone else.

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When someone tells you to be mature it means to( "act your age").

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How means like if someone said how do you climb up a tree they would want to know how to so thatperson tells them how to climb up a tree and why means if someone said why does people be mean to you then that other person tells them why they do it like because they just do cause they feel like it. that is what how and why means

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A snitch is someone who tells or tattles on someone else's wrongdoings. It's an insult.

When someone tells you that you have a major illness what does this mean?

It means that that you are seriously ill.

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It means that you are less than what they are looking for.