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Cats in dreams represent feminine power. Cats also deal with esoteric knowledge, and spiritual guardianship. White cats represent hightened spiritual awareness. Black cats signify hidden secrets or hidden powers within the dreamer. Wild cats encourage us to exercise our will power more. Tame cats indicate a place of comfort in our lives

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12y ago
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12y ago

Dreams of cats have multiple meanings. Cats are known as familiars, and are our escorts into the unconscious. To a woman, a cat can represent her archetype of intuition (the witch archetype). To a man, the cat could symbolize his inner female, known as the Anima. Your dream shows that there is a disconnection between you and some aspect of yourself.

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12y ago

Dreams of cats have multiple meanings. Cats are known as familiars, and are our escorts into the unconscious. To a woman, a cat can represent her archetype of intuition (the witch archetype). To a man, the cat could symbolize his inner female, known as the Anima. The dream shows that there is hostility, that you are resisting integrating this new aspect into your day to day personality.

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9y ago

The friend in this dream probably represents yourself. The focus of the dream concerns some area of your life that is associated with this friend. The cat symbolizes an issue, problem or threat that you have not resolved and feel could become increasingly dangerous.

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13y ago

Dreams communicate through symbols. In this dream, the cat represents something in real life that is threatening. That threat has qualities similar to a cat - perhaps something that appears harmless but suddenly turns dangerous. OR, the "cat" could be a play on words: perhaps someone is being "catty," or someone with a name like cat - Kate or Kit or Tom(cat) - is not as friendly as they appear.

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12y ago

that probably means you have a bad memory of a cat attacking either you or something else it depends if you have a mean cat

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12y ago

nothing lol.

but theres all kinds of Old Wives tales about it, so dont believe whatever you hear.

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9y ago

The cat symbolizes someone or something that you are afraid intents to harm you. The dream does not mean that actually is true; it only expresses your anxiety.

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Dreams of cats have multiple meanings. Cats are known as familiars, and are our escorts into the unconscious. To a woman, a cat can represent her archetype of intuition (the witch archetype). To a man, the cat could symbolize his inner female, known as the Anima. The scratches mean this unconscious aspect is trying to get your attention.

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Nothing, unless in all your dreams your a cat, if so your going mad. Or in your next life you will be a cat, or something.

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More information is needed to properly interpret this dream. It may be that the cat represents someone or something that the dreamer would like to silence.

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Your High.