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depends what you're dream was about. if it was about them being mean they probably will hurt you again, and if they were apologizing or something that means that they want you back or are done playin 'games'

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This dream suggests that the dreamer is experiencing anger related to grief. The dreamer is "hurt" emotionally (and perhaps financially and in other ways) by the death. So the subconscious mind produces a dream that shows the deceased directly inflicting pain on the dreamer. The pain and anger are both natural parts of the grief process and do not indicate lack of love or affection for the deceased.

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Q: When you dream about someone who died and they hurt you?
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It means that you are afraid that someone is going to hurt you. The dream suggests that the dreamer does not feel safe in some situation in real life. The fear could refer to physical, emotional or any other type of harm.

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First, the dream has nothing to do with you actually going around stabbing people, so if that is causing any concern, you can let that go. You have experienced something like this in the recent past: You have been disappointed by someone, maybe even badly hurt by someone who you thought was a friend. I suspect the hurt has to do with something someone said about you or to you. It's also possible that you disappointed or hurt someone else, more than likely (but not necessarily) with words. If any of the above sounds like the dream is hitting on something, see if you can talk with the people involved and clear the air.

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We are alive and not someone's dream, and that is why we dream too.

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The dream reflects the dreamer's hurt feelings resulting from something said by the other person. It illustrates the common expression about "biting remarks," meaning comments that are hurtful or cruel.

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It could mean two things:1:someone you know is desperate for help but wont say itOR2: someone that has died and is calling you for help.

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someone sleeping can dream but someone unconsious can not dream.

Dream someone is trying to hurt you?

Dreaming that someone is trying to hurt you may reflect your own fears or concerns about being harmed or threatened in real life. Your reaction in the dream can provide insight into how you perceive and respond to potential threats. For instance, if you run in a dream, it might indicate a tendency to avoid or escape from threats in reality. On the other hand, standing your ground in the dream could suggest a sense of indifference or fearlessness towards such threats. Remember, dream interpretations can vary from person to person, and it's essential to consider your emotions and experiences when analyzing your dreams.

When you dream about someone were they thinking about you and do they think what you dream about?

when you dream about someone, they fell asleep thinking about you. they dont always think about what you dream about though.