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If it has just suddenly gone dark red it is probably nothing. This happened to me 3 times in six months, once when I sneezed, once when I slipped on a step and once for no apparent reason. I had my eyes checked and my blood pressure, they were both fine and I have had no trouble in 6 years now.

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Q: What does it mean when you have one spot on your eye that is bloodshot?
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What are the symptoms of an eye allergy?

Allergies may affect the eyes when they strike and the main symptoms of an allergy irritating one's eyes is an itchy, bloodshot eye. There may be mild redness right through to severe swelling that may cause one's eye to release discharge.

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One of the symptoms of pinkeye is eyes that are obviously irritated and bloodshot. Another symptom of pink eye is waking up with crusty eyes in the morning.

What causes your blind spot?

At the small spot in each eye where the optic nerve exits the eye, they are no light receptors and therefore no vision. The blind spots are to the outer sides of the field of vision and therefore less critical than if they were close to the center. Also, the blind spot in each eye is compensated for by the other eye for those who have two intact eyes.

What does it mean if your guinea pig is squinting one eye?

guinea pigs are prone to eye problems, so if there is a cloudy blueish-grey spot in there eye, they are simply going blind in that eye. It might spread to the other eye, or it might just be in that one eye. If it is only a spot, and there is no discharge, they need no medical attention. You might want to take them in if the eye starts bleeding, or if if any discharge occurs.

How can you get bloodshot eyes?

It could be one of several things: You may be suffering an allergic reaction to something. There may be a foreign body in your eye. You may have a damaged contact lens in your eye. You may be wearing the wrong type of contact lens. You may be using incorrect contact lens solutions. Do not try to remove any foreign body from your eye and don't poke around with it. Make an appointment to see an Optometrist.

What reasons might one have for wearing scary contacts?

Scary contact lenses are mostly work during Halloween inside haunted houses. They change the look of the wearer's eye and come in many styles such as all white, cat's eye, bloodshot, and more.

What is the eye's blind spot?

It's the spot where the optical nerver goes into the back of the eye. There are no receptors in this place. arm

What does it mean if one eye has mixed colour?

your eye is more than one color

What does it mean if one eye is green and one eye is blue?

It's known as heterochromia.

What does one eye open mean?

It means you have one eye open. If you mean the idiom "sleep with one eye open," it means that you are staying alert at all times in case of disaster.

What is one quality of an informed consumer?

Reads advertisements carefully and with a critical eye in order to spot fallacies