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You could be allergic to its hair or it has fleas.

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Q: What does it mean when you itch after a cat scratches you?
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Related questions

What makes your cats scratch?

Your cat might itch because it has fleas or merely that it has been bitten by a mosquito, gnat, etc.

What if a guy scratches his legs?

His legs itch.

Are kitten toenails poisonous?

no, but, if you are allergic to cats, and one scratches you, it will itch a lot! a cat bite, however, is serious, and, anti-biotics may be necessary.

What is green turns in circles and scratches itself?

SPIN ITCH! Get it?!

What if your cat scratches like a dog?

Your cat scratches like a dog! Probably they just want to.

Why does cat bites burn?

Cat scratches can itch for a variety of reasons, one being that the scratch is in the healing phase. If the cat scratch happened more recently, it could be infected.

What happens is your cat is off balance and scratches his head?

what to do if cat is off balance when he jumps, lands or scratches his head.

What does it mean to dream there are cat scratches in a wood table?

Dreams of cats have multiple meanings. Cats are known as familiars, and are our escorts into the unconscious. To a woman, a cat can represent her archetype of intuition (the witch archetype). To a man, the cat could symbolize his inner female, known as the Anima. The scratches mean this unconscious aspect is trying to get your attention.

What is cat scratch fever?

it's when a cat scratches you and you get sick

Why do you scratch when you itch?

Nerve reaction, the nerves get irritated, your body naturally scratches to lessen the irritation.

Where can one purchase cat scratchers?

There are many places where one can purchase cat scratches. One can purchase cat scratches at popular on the web sources such as Pet Smart and Pet Co.

What is the best product to use to repair cat scratches on my bedroom furniture?

For cat scratches you can use a furniture marker to cover up any blemishes.