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The week leading up to May 8 2006 I saw a owl in a tree in front of my house. Every day when i came home it would be in the same tree.The folling monday ifound my 16 yr old son in his room not breathing. I gave him cpr for 45 min before help got here. We ended up losing him. I look back & there are so many things i saw then and the months after. Now Nov 16 2013 its back. Just in a different tree. Don't know what to do.

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It means that you should reexamine your life and make wiser choices.

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You are not blind.

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Q: What does it mean to see two owls in one day?
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Do owls hunt by day or night?

Daytime hunting owls are different from night hunting owls by if you see owls in daytime their daytime hunting owls, and if you see them at night their night hunting owls.

What does it mean to see owls during the day?

Some people will say that. Some people may believe in owls as good luck. But other people may believe as owls as bad luck. But seeing owls in the daytime is a totally natural thing. They will be awake during the day if their home is disurbed.

How come owls have different color eyes?

Barn Owls and True Owls are the main types of owls. Barn Owls hunt at night and strictly at night, so their eyes are black to help them see better. True Owls have orange and yellow eyes. Yellow eyes help owls see better during dawn and dusk, and orange eyes help owls see during the day and dusk. Owls do come out in the day.

When do snowy owls eat?

the owls eat at day times so they can see their predator easily

What is so special about a snowy owl?

unlike other owls these owls can see 24 hours a day throughout the day and night

What type of birds do owls eat?

Owls eat regular bird we see each day (I think)

How do owls see at night?

That is why owls has very big eyes.. they can see anything.. Common Sense

Do owls see in color?

Yes. They can actually see in more vibrant colors then humans can.

What does it mean to see two owls together?

It probably means they are mates.

Owl hoots in the daytime?

Owls will generally hoot when they are active. There are day owls, which would hoot in the day time.

When do owls work?

Most owls are diurnal, meaning they can hunt ( work ) during the night or day. After a wet or unproductive night you will probably see an owl hunting during the day. Some owls prefer hunting during daylight hours to night hours.

Are great horned owls nocturnal?

Typically Great Horned Owls are nocturnal, but they can also be crepuscular, meaning that they can be active at dawn and dusk. This also doesn't mean that they can't be seen during the day as well, though most likely you will see/hear them at night.