

Best Answer

well it is your period and use a tampon or pad when starts starts between ages 9-17

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Q: What does it mean when your vaginal discharge is yellowish and has blood spots?
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Seeing spots of blood in underwear after period is normal?

Brown Discharge is one of common concerns of girls and women. Not all cases of brown vaginal discharge are cause for concern. Brown vaginal discharge is most often associated with old endometrial tissues. You can discover causes of blood spots (brown discharge) in recommended related link below.

What are yellowish-brown patches or spots of skin discoloration called?


Does cheethas have spots or stripes?

They have spots. Their skin has a distinctive yellowish color with black spots all over its body. Tigers are the cats that have stripes in their body. Leopards and Jaguars have spots that are not circular and can be irregular in shape as well.

What color are leopards?

dark yellow with black spots

What colour is the snow leopard?

The color of their fur is pure white with dark black spots. They can also have a smoky gray or yellowish fur. The spots could be dark gray instead of dark black spots.

What is yellow and black with red spots?

an embarassed black mamba with a slight fever, accounting for his yellowish appearance.

Can you get fordyce spots on your fingers?

Fordyce spots are harmless yellowish white spots that found on the shaft of the penis, the labia, scrotum, or the vermilion border of the lips of a person's face. They may be found in the mouth. They are not found on the fingers.

What is the color of a cheetah orange or yellow?

Basically yellowish tan or rufous to greyish white, the coat is uniformly covered with nearly 2,000 solid black spots.

What colors are the king cheetah?

The cheetah is tan/light brown with black spots.

How can you tell the difference between spotting and your period when it comes to being pregnant?

Periods while pregnant:You will not have a normal flow, heavy period and be pregnant. This is typically impossible.However it is possible to experience vaginal bleeding which is very light (requires one or less pads) or only a bit of blood on tissue paper when you wipe and be pregnant. This bleeding is usually implantation bleeding and it will occur 6-12 days after sexual intercourse.What does spotting look like?Vaginal spotting will resemble drops of blood in your underwear or even drops/spots of blood on the tissue paper when you wipe. With spotting you may only experience 2-3 spots/drops of blood or it may be only 1 spot/drop of blood.Spotting is probably the most lightest form of Vaginal bleeding.

What color is a giraffe's skin?

it is a yellowish gold with brown spots all over it.

What are the red spots on obsidian?
