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an elongated particle (as in a sickle cell, myosin, or fibrin) that appears as a spindle-shaped body under a polarizing microscope

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Q: What does mean tactoids in nano composite materials?
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How do you make nano composite?

I wish I knew too.

What is the definition of nano ferrite composites?

Normally a composite material that includes nano scale ferritic compounds within the matrix material

What is the difference between micro-fill composite and nano composite?

microfill composites are composites that contain very small glass fillers approx 0.04 micrometers that are very smooth and have excellent wear resistance. Nano fill composites have glass fillers that are even smaller in size which change the property of the composite.

What does the term nano mean?

Nano = Very small.

Is the nano-chromatic nano 4?

Yes, that is what its called. With "nano 4" i assume you mean the 4th generation of ipod nano.

What does nano mean?


Why is composite a science?

Composite means the mixture of the two substance in the definite proportion. Now a time the use of the nano-composite is at its peak as which defines that the mixture of the two substance but one of the substance should be in the nano dimension i.e. from 1-100 nm in size. So combining the two substance is not just a random process . it is done in order to increase the properties of the substance through a process called reinforcement.

Can nanotech help people?

Yes. 1) Nano-engineered materials are stronger and better than normal materials. 2) Nano-engineered liquids can be useful in fields of medicine and machinery. 3) Nanobots can go into people's bodies to kill virusses/cancer.

Which materials are good absorbers?

the nano structur material are good absorber as compared to bulk and microsized material

Role of nano materials?

I think it is to make everyday items for practical/adaptable to our environment and more convenient for us??

What are the raw materials of a bulletproof vest?

"Bullet proof glass" is not a single thing, but a class of building materials that are composite in nature (several layers of differing thickness and materials). Generally, the layers of ballistic glass include glass laminate, polycarbonate, or acrylics bonded with polyvinyl butyral, polyurethane or ethylene-vinyl acetate.

What does nano mean in maths?

it means 1 billionth of a unit!!