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Miss Maudi told Scout that Boo is still alive, and he just stays in his house. She says that Boo's father is a "foot-washing" Baptist who believed that most people will go to Hell. Also, that Boo was always polite and spoke nicely when he was a kid. Miss Maudi told Scout that Boo is still alive, and he just stays in his house. She says that Boo's father is a "foot-washing" Baptist who believed that most people will go to Hell. Also, that Boo was always polite and spoke nicely when he was a kid.

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15y ago
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3w ago

Miss Maudie explains to Scout that it's a sin to kill mockingbirds, implying that Boo Radley is like a mockingbird - harmless and innocent. She suggests that people should leave Boo Radley alone and not gossip about him because he has not harmed anyone.

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11y ago

She is defensive over Boo Radley- showing how she attempts to fight social injustice. She tells Jem the rumours about Boo being a 'malevolent phantom' are 'three fourths black folks and one fourth Stephanie Crawford'; illustrating her disbelief in the general rumour. She refers to black people, in a sense that they do not tell the truth and make things up for fun. Likewise, Stephanie Crawford is Maycomb's gossip queen!!

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11y ago

That he had a troubled past. And that you should leave him alone; he is a human being too.

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13y ago

She thinks that she should stop and think, what if i was boo?

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12y ago

He dead and never been saw

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Q: What does miss Maudie say about the Boo Radley story?
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What does miss Maudie add to the story of Boo Radley?

Miss Maudie adds a sense of compassion and understanding towards Boo Radley. She helps the children see beyond the rumors and stereotypes surrounding Boo, encouraging them to empathize with him as a person rather than fearing him as a mysterious figure. Miss Maudie's perspective contributes to the theme of compassion and humanizing others in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

When does Boo Radley cover Scout with a blanket in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Boo Radley covers Scout with a blanket near the end of "To Kill a Mockingbird" after she witnesses an attack on her and Jem by Bob Ewell. Boo intervenes, saving them from further harm, and then carries the injured Jem back to their house before covering Scout with a blanket. It is a significant moment that shows Boo's protective and caring nature, revealing his true character to Scout and the readers.

What is miss Maudie's opinion about the things they say about boo?

Miss Maudie believes that the rumors about Boo Radley are unkind and unfair. She sees Boo as a kind and misunderstood person, rather than the sinister figure that the town gossip portrays him to be.

Where did the mysterious blanket come from that was around scout's should's?

The mysterious blanket that was around Scout's shoulders at the end of "To Kill a Mockingbird" was likely placed there by Boo Radley, a reclusive neighbor who had been watching over the children throughout the novel. It symbolizes his protection and care for them, even though he had been misunderstood and feared by the community.

How does miss Stephanie feels about Boo Radley?

Miss Stephanie is fearful and suspicious of Boo Radley. She spreads rumors and gossip about Boo, portraying him as a mysterious and dangerous figure in the neighborhood. Her opinions are influenced by the general fear and prejudice that surrounds Boo Radley in Maycomb.

Where does the blanket around Scout come from?

The blanket around Scout comes from Boo Radley, who placed it over her shoulders while she was standing outside in the cold during the fire at Miss Maudie's house to keep her warm and safe.

How is miss Madies view of Boo Radley different to ones we have previously heard?

Miss Maudie's view of Boo Radley differs because she sees him as a kind and misunderstood person, while others in the neighborhood view him as a reclusive and dangerous figure. Miss Maudie believes that Boo should be respected for his privacy and not judged based on rumors and gossip.

Were is miss maudies house relative to boo's house in to kill a mockingbird?

Miss Maudie's house is next door to the Finch family's house, which is where Scout and Atticus live. Boo Radley's house is located directly across the street from the Radley Place, so it is on the same street but not right next to Miss Maudie's house.

Why is miss miss Maudie upset At the circle tea?

Miss Maudie is upset at the ladies' circle tea because they were gossiping and spreading rumors about Boo Radley, a reclusive neighbor. She is angered by their lack of compassion and understanding towards Boo, who is a kind and misunderstood individual. Miss Maudie believes in treating others with respect and dignity, regardless of their differences.

What does miss Maudie tells scout about boo?

That Boo is alive, and that Boo had a very harsh father. She says that all rumors about Boo are false.

In To Kill a Mockingbird what reason did miss Maudie give for Arthur Radley's seclusion?

Miss Maudie explains that Arthur Radley's seclusion was a result of his difficult family situation and the mysterious circumstances surrounding his past actions, leading him to withdraw from society. She also suggests that people in the community have unfairly judged him without truly knowing his story.

Who is the mysterious neighbor in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The mysterious neighbor in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is Arthur "Boo" Radley. He is a recluse who rarely leaves his house, leading to much speculation and curiosity from the children in the neighborhood, particularly Scout and Jem Finch. Boo ultimately plays a significant role in the novel's climax.