

What does natron salt do?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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12y ago

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natron presirves the body and is only found in dessert lakes. natron is a big part in mummification because the body needs to be small to wrap. -isaiah Williams Stanley middle school.

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Q: What does natron salt do?
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How is natron made?

natron is made of baking soda and salt , in fact it was used for the mummification process

What chemicals did the Egyptians mummify with?

natron salt

Egyptian chemical used to preserve bodies?

Natron, is was a type of salt used to dry out the body.

What is the lake natron?

Lake Natron is an alkali endorheic salt lake of tectonic origin present in northern Tanzania.

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What was the chemical was used to embalm the organs?

salt More specifically, natron, which is a salty ash-like mineral in dry lake and river beds. This, specifically, is what the ancient Egyptians used in their preservation of bodies and organs.

What type of salt was used to dry out a body for mummifacation?


What is the name of the mummification salt?

Natron!!!!! Sodium carbonate: Na2CO3.10H2O.

What does natron salt accomplish?

Natron is a salty chemical found near Cairo, Wadi-Natron, and south of Thebes. Egyptians used natron to embalm the body which took 70 days. Embalmers used natron to preserve the dead body and their organs. The bodies were placed in natron and embalmers packed the inside of the body with natron. This was to dry out the body and preserve it for the afterlife. Embalmers may have reused the natron. Ancient Egyptians had to preserve the body because they believed that if the body decayed the person's seven spirits would be lost forever and the spirit would never pass to the afterlife. Therefore, natron played an important role in the mummification process.

What is name of the salt which the body was soaked in during mummification?

There is no definite answer, but many believe that mummies were embalmed with natron salts, which is a mixture of different salts and occurs naturally in salt lakes. Fun fact: the chemical symbol for sodium, Na, comes from "natron."

What Mummies Were Perserved By?

Natron, a salt which dried out the body and ended putrification.

What the chemical called in ancient Egypt for mummies?

Natron, a type of salt.