

What does people orientation mean?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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'People Oriented' means that you get along with other people. You are comforatable with them.

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Q: What does people orientation mean?
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well, sure. but what does that mean? just because they're workaholic doesnt mean that decides their orientation. lol. well, sure. but what does that mean? just because they're workaholic doesnt mean that decides their orientation. lol.

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What does oreintaion mean?

ORIENTATION means to get accustomed to a new environment, i.e., "The students were given an orientation to their new school campus." It can also mean the position of some object relative to it's environment, i.e., "The hunter used a compass to find his orientation to true north." Also, "The diver got confused and later found his orientation to be upside down."

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Intelligence has no connection to sexual orientation.

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No; sexual orientation has no impact on intelligence.