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If elderly people have scoliosis they wont die unless there scoliosis is 50 to 60 degrees or more then it might cause breathing problems.

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Q: What does scoliosis do to elder people?
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Related questions

How does people take care of scoliosis?

people take care of scoliosis by excersing

Can people be predisposed to scoliosis?

If you have spina bifida, congenital deformation of the vertebrae, or muscular dystrophy, those conditions can lead to scoliosis. Over 80% of scoliosis cases are idiopathic though, which means that know one really knows why some people develop scoliosis. You're more likely to get idiopathic scoliosis if you have a familiar member with scoliosis.

Can people that had the scoliosis surgery have kids?

Of course they can!

Is scoliosis rare or common?

Scoliosis is really an opinion on if it is rare or common. I can answer that 2-3% of people HAVE curves of over 20*, i have i find it pretty common that 2-3 percent have it...but i think that more people should know what it is.

Is scoliosis special needs?

In most cases, no, however, some people are left badly disabled by scoliosis so those people would be considered special needs

What is the lateral curvation of the spine called?

That is called a scoliosis. You can remember the 'S' shaped spine of Scoliosis.

What is a prevention of scoliosis?

scoliosis can not be prevented

What are the chances of Spinal Scoliosis?

On average its about 1 in every 100 people,

Where does scoliosis mainly affect?

Scoliosis is a descriptive term for a spinal condition. Scoliosis means curvature

How many people die from Scoliosis?

i have it and im not dead yet so i have no idea

Is jumping rope bad for people with scoliosis?

yes.....4 gals esp.

What effects does scoliosis have on your daily routine?

effects of scoliosis