

What does similie mean?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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11y ago

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Simile is grammatical term used to compare two objects!

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things that are the same

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I believe you mean "metaphor." A metaphor is a comparison between two unlike things without using the words "like" or "as." It is much like a similie. A similie, however, uses the words "like" or "as." An example of a metaphor would be, "Her words were needles piercing me."

Is this a metaphor or similie the girl was like a dramatic actress in a play?

Similie. When you use like or as that is a smilie. :)

Is was a a similie or metaphor?


Is as sly as a fox a simile or a metaphor?

It is a similie as you are comparing (something) to how sly the fox is. A similie uses the words "like or "as".

What does simile and metaphors mean?

Metaphor- comparing two things without using like or as. Simile- comparing two things using like or as.

What a similie?

a simile is something that has "as and like" in it

Similie for as weak as a?

Weak as a kitten.

What is a similie for as dry as?

As dry as a bone.

What is a similie for as clean as?

As clean as a whistle.

How would you use similie in a sentence?

Simlies and metaphors are part of the English language. Similies compare like and as. The similie she said was wonderful.

Does a metahpor use like or as?

Nope, that's a similie. A similie is words using "Like" or "As" in a sentence. A metaphor is a comparasion to two words.