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You most likely meant to ask: "What does son las cuatro menos cuarto mean?" which would translate to "It is 3:45."

What you actually asked would translate to "It is a quarter minus a quarter."

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Q: What does son las cuarto menos cuarto means in English?
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Son las dos menos cuarto?

Son las dos menos cuarto means 1:45

How do you say 11 45 in Spanish -?

Saying 11:45 in Spanish is a specific phrase. It is "mediodia menos quarto". "Mediodia" is known as "noon" in English, whereas "menos" means "less" and "quarto" means "a quarter" also known as fifteen minutes.

What does son las nueve menos cuarto mean in English?

'It's 8:45/a quarter to nine'.

What does this mean in English no llegan a las ocho menos cuarto en punto?

'they don't arrive at 7:45 on the dot.'

How say a quarter to six in Spanish?

Puede decir "y cuarto". Por ejemplo: Para 3:15 se dice "son las tres y cuarto".

What does this mean in English Llegan a la escuela a eso de las ocho menos cuarto?

They arrive at school at about 7:45

How do you say 10 45 in spanish?

"Son las once menos quince" or "son las once menos cuarto" (it is quarter to 11). You could also say "son las dies y cuartena y cinco" (which means it is 10:45). You could also add "de la mañana" (in the morning), "de la tarde" (in the afternoon), or "de la noche" (at night) to the end to make it more correct.

How do you say 445 am in spanish?

las cinco menos cuarto.... (quarter to five) las cuatro y cuarenta y cinco.... (four forty five) in both cases: ' la tarde' (p.m.)

What does menos cuarto mean?

its for time menos = minus quarto = 4 So put it together minus 4. Normally its used for time because you can't go over 30 minutes. so if its over 30 you say menos number away from 60. so 56 is menos cuarto dont forget though if its 5:46 its seis menos cuarto not cinco menos cuarto. Its math in spanish =D <3

What does son las cuarto menos cuarto de la tarde mean?

'It's a quarter to five in the evening/p.m.'

What does son las tres menos cuarto mean?

It's a quarter to three (o'clock).

How do you say 4 45 in spanish as time?

Las seis y cuarenta y cinco. You could also say las siete menos cuarto. Or quince para las siete.