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You might have something in your teeth.

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Q: What does that mean if a guy continuous to stare at you even when you look at him?
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What does it mean when you stare at your crush and they stare back and look away?

If he shows other signs that he likes you he probably likes you.

What is the difference between glare and stare?

to stare mean looking at someone for any reason but glare is an anger look.

What does stare mean stare means to look at something. why does the cat always stare at me?

cats are staring at you to show dominance. if they blink once, blink back. it means that they trust and love you.

What does it mean if you stare at your crush for a long time and they look the other way?

You stare at them too long and they turn away because you were either hideously ugly or you were giving them the pedofile look.

What does it mean when a boy makes his muscles look bigger and stare into your eyes?

he wants you to like him

What does glowering mean?

Glowering means to look or stare with sullen dislike, discontent, or anger.

What does 着 mean?

It is used to signify a continuous tense. For example:我看着你I - look - (continuous tense) - youI am looking (at) you

What does is mean if a guy you stare at stares at you back then his friends look?

if a guy you stare at stares back and then his friends do then that means most likely he likes you he may like you but he could also be talking about you to his friends.

Does stare mean to look at someone without blinking?

Yes, to stare means to look at someone or something for a long time without blinking. It usually implies a fixed gaze and can sometimes be considered rude or intrusive.

What other words mean look?

gaze, observe, peek, watch, survey, inspect, glance, squint, glimpse, stare, look it up on an online thesaurus if in doubt :)

What does it mean you you look at a girl and she was looking at you but when your eyes meet she looks away really fast?

She was "checking you out". Beyond that, not a lot. People stare at what the find attractive. They also stare at the horrible. There is no way to tell which category she thought you fell into.

What does it mean when a boy makes his muscles look bigger and stare into your eyes does he like you?

he is trying to impress you if he does it all the time when your around. that doesnt necessairly mean he likes you but it is a possibility