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it rest until it feels better?

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Q: What does the African elephant do when it gives birth?
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What is the wait of an African elephant at birth?

you spelled weight wrong

How many calfs does a female elephant have a year?

Technically the answer is zero. African elephants are pregnant for about 22 months so they only have babies about once every two to four years.Elephants can only have one baby a year, because elephant gestation lasts for almost 2 years.

What kind of elephant is the biggest out of Indian and African?

The African elephant has the biggest ears!The type of elephant with the biggest name has the biggest ears, the African elephant (not the Asian elephant). That's how I remember.

How big is the adult African elephant?

The length of an adult African elephant is between 5,5 to 6,4 metres. They can reach a height of up to 4 metres. The bull elephant weighs approximately 5 500 kilograms and the female 3 600 kilograms. The baby African elephant at birth weights between 90 to 120 kilograms. The African elephant is the largest of all land mammals.

What does the African elephant?

Another African elephant?

Which elephant is bigger African elephant or Indian elephant?

The African elephant is the larger of the two species.

What is the spieshes of an elephant?

there are 3,African elephant, Asian elephant,and African forest.

What were the name of the African elephant?

It always was the African Elephant

What biome is the African elephant in?

the African Elephant lives in Africa south of the Sahara desert.

What is the subphylum of an African elephant?

The subphylum of the african elephant is vertebrata

How tall an a African elephant be?

An African elephant can be from 1ft to19ft.

Elephas indicates the animals what?

African elephant .