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It says that when Christ comes the second time the dead in christ will then rise. And till then no one will go to heaven until the day of judgement.

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Q: What does the Bible say about the dead in christ what or they doing in heaven?
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have u heard of a thing called the Bible?

Who does not have a life?

People who are dead... unless u believe in Heaven and God, then there is eternal life in Christ.

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To open gates of heaven.

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Because Jesus Christ who brought dead people back to life, and who died on the cross and rose from the dead, frequently talked about life after dead as well as Heaven and Hell.

Do Jehovah's Witness believe Christ is dead?

No. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Christ is very much alive - - in Heaven; that he is the appointed King of God's Kingdom. He is a 'living' King, not a 'dead' King. Soon his Kingdom will come, and God's will, will be done on EARTH, as it is in heaven. There will be peace on earth. These are things a dead Jesus could not accomplish.

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Christians believe that Jesus Christ did truly rise from the dead. He was crucified died and was buried. He rose from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of the father in heaven.

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According to the Bible, anyone can go to heaven. A person will go to heaven if he or she believes that Jesus died from their sins and that he rose from the dead, and if they pray to him and ask him into their heart.

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Before Christ was born, died and rose from the dead, those who trusted in God went to a place called Abraham's bosom (Paradise). When Christ died, he went there, and took the believers to Heaven. People who are saved that die today (in the years after Christ rose from the dead) go straight to Heaven.

What did Francis Xavier do after he became a saint?

I do not understand your question. If Francis Xavier is a saint, that means he is dead and in Heaven. He is doing whatever saints do in Heaven.

Where do you find in the Bible the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead?

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John have the narration.

Can Spiritualists go to Heaven?

Yes the Bible has many instances of dead communicating with the living, if you beleive this is possible-you are a spiritualist