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They live "on land" although frogs still live in water, they just are not reliant on it for oxygen.

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11y ago
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13y ago

the frog is a grown up , it can reproduce by laying eggs and it is the last cycle .

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6y ago

The eggs laid by frogs are called frog spawn.

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11y ago

a frog!

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Q: What does the adult frog lay eggs call?
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Why does the tadpole lay its eggs on a string?

Tadoles do not lay eggs. Tadpoles emerge from eggs. It is the adult frog or toad that lays eggs. Frogs lay their eggs in clusters, but toads tend to lay their eggs in a string.

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A tree frog lays eggs. Almost all reptiles lay eggs except for platypus

What does a real frog mean?

The answer is: A frog is a animal and it's like a toad.Frogs lay eggs and frog eggs are in ponds. Frogs eggs are called frog spone.

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a glass frog can lay 25 eggs at a time

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Do frog produce eggs?

Yes frogs lay eggs.

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Yes, they are amphibians and they all lay eggs, probably?

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Where might adult frogs lay eggs?

adult frogs normally lay eggs in ponds or still water areas

Are frogs born in ponds?

Yes. Frogs lay their eggs in stagnant or still water. The eggs hatch into a little aquatic animal called a tadpole that slowly developes into an adult frog.

Do frog eggs have an eggshell?

no. because frog eggs are much like fish eggs. the frogs lay the eggs underwater, and then they grow into tadpoles. Hope this helped!!