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It jumps to the line after the indicated label. For example, this batch...


ECHO apple


ECHO sauce


ECHO ice cream

... would generate the following output:


ice cream

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Q: What does the batch file command GOTO do?
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What does the file extension mean at the end of a file name?

It is a batch command file.

How do you make a fake progress bar on a batch file?

You can just use the echo command to construct a loading bar out of words and symbols, then use a cls + goto command and then loop it so it will inch forward every frame.

Need help to create a batch program to display a menu of four choices using DOS?

Choice is a command used under DOS Batch file to get input from user and then execute the command written under particular errorlevel. @ECHO OFF :START CLS ECHO. ECHO. ECHO 1. Exit 2. Continue choice/c:12 " Enter your choice if errorlevel 2 goto STAGE1 goto end :STAGE1 copy <File Name > to c:\<Directory Name> goto end

What does the file extension .bat mean at the end of a file name?

It is a batch command file.

Can you have a running batch file continue in another batch file but have it running in the same spot as it was before just moving it in windows 7?

Yes you can have a running batch file continue in another batch file, by getting it to call itself with an argument. To call itself use %0 (and think it is best to use one of CALL or START (command) or maybe CMD) To analyze arguments (the first one) do code like: if %1TRICK==TRICK goto nomore rem start of do stuff

What is a batch file?

A batch file is the text file that contains a series of commands that MS-DOS carries out. A batch file is created by COPY CON command after specifying a file name by using extension as .BAT in DOS mode.

Why does this batch file closes whenever you type in a command that has a symbol or space in it how do you fix this?

A batch file will close when it reaches the last line of code or an error.

How do you create ipconfig batch file?

Here is an example of a batch file that carries out the command ipconfig. @echo off ipconfig /all pause exit

How do you create and run a batch program?

Easy enough to create a batch program is you know what the commands are simply goto a text file or notepad and save it as "something.bat" and click on it

What is the full form of BAT?

if by bat you made the .bat file extension then the full form of bat is batch. it is a file that is created with batch script, the windows command line.

How do you make a batch file without it closing immediately when you start it or use a command?


How do you answer Y in a batch file automatically?

Each command has its own way of telling it to bypass confirmation. Enter <command> /? for a description of the switches you can use with that command.