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The Chess piece on the cover of "Breaking Dawn" represents the character Bella, who is torn between different choices and facing important decisions. The broken pawn symbolizes her transformation and the challenges she must overcome.

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14y ago

The chess piece on the cover is a queen. The queen represents Bella. As The queen represents Bella there is a white peace behind her, I think its her daughter Renesmee and she is the one who is protecting her with her shield

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Q: What does the chess piece represent on the cover of breaking dawn?
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What is the chess piece on the Breaking Dawn cover?

Queen A pawn is at the back

What is the colour of the small chess piece on the breaking dawn cover?

the red chess piece represents bellas' human state, so fragile, and not very important(hence the pawn), and the white chess piece represents her vampire state which is much more powerful and strong (hence the queen)

What is the cover picture of Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer?

A king piece(white) of a red and white chess board, and a pawn (red) behind.

What does the cover of Breaking Dawn look like?

the cover of breaking dawn looks like a chess piece. You can look at the official cover here... :D all the breaking dawn books have hard covers. the soft covers didn't come out yet.

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No, they are supposed to represent advisors.

What does the cover have to do with Breaking Dawn?

The chess game represents the ending of the book, that the Volturi were dealt with logically, instead of bloodshed, because chess is an entirely mental game. The chess pieces represent Bella: The red pawn is her when she's human, as she was the weakest character, and the pawn is the lesser of all the chess pieces. The white queen is her when she's a vampire, when she gains the ability to shield others, resulting in the Volturi's retreat - making her a very powerful character, hence the portrayal of a queen chess piece.

What can be used to represent the Twilight books?

An apple, flower, red ribbon, and a chess piece

What can be drawn by the book Breaking Dawn?

you can draw the chess piece that's on the cover, you can draw a baby because Bella has a baby.... hope that was helpful. i will post some more when i think of some more.

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Where is the density of a Chess piece

Where can you play wizard chess?

You say where you want your chess piece to go (C5, etc) and it goes there. That's the only thing that's different from normal chess apart from the chess pieces whacking and breaking each other.

What does the Breaking Dawn front cover stand for?

Chess is a game of decisions and thinking ahead so for me that symbolizes Bella having to make alot of decisions in this book(just when she thought all of the important ones were taken care of). The red pawn. A pawn in chess is just about the most insignificant piece on the board. It is the weakest off all of them. Well this for me symbolized her as a human. Small(as in power), weak & in her mind pretty much useless. I also think that the color red could represent the blood still flowing throughout her body. And the White Queen. A queen piece in chess is the piece with the most power. So this could represent Bella as a vampire. Powerful, no longer weak, and white as granite.

Why is there a chess sey on the cover of breaking dawn?

It represents how Bella moves through the series. She starts out as a pawn but she soon progresses to become the most powerful piece on the gameboard, the Queen. In the end everyone lives because of her