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Q: What does the diagram of the 4 layers of the atmosphereincluding temperature and altitude look like?
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Determines the temperature of atmospheric layers?


In which layers does the temperature decrease as altitude increases?

Temperature will decrease as the altitude increases at all levels due to the thinning of atmospheric gasses.

How do atmospheric layers differ?

The five layers of the atmosphere have different atmospheric temperature that occurs with increasing altitude. The layers also thin out with height from the surface.

Why doesnt air temperature change uniformly with altitude?

Altitude doesn't change uniformly because the four main layers of the atmosphere have different temperature gradients, creating the thermal structure of the atmosphere.

What divides the layers of the earth's atmosphere?

From the Earth outward the layers of the atmosphere are; Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere. These layers are divided by whether the temperature increases or deceases with an increase in altitude within the layer.

How does temperature change as altitude increases through all layers of the atmosphere?

2 degrees per 1000 ft is general answer

What are the locations of the layers of the atmosphere?

The troposphere. The troposphere is one of the four layers of the atmosphere (0-10km in altitude) containing water vapour. Clouds are formed by water condensing and as air cools. This is why cloud formation is possible because the temperature of the troposphere decreases with altitude.

The earth's atmosphere is divided into layers based on changes in the vertical profile of?

The layers are defined primarily by the "lapse rate", or change in temperature with increasing altitude. The lapse rate is negative (temperature falls) in the troposphere, but positive (temperature rises) in the stratosphere. Temperatures decrease again when ascending into the Mesosphere.

Why do scientists recognize a boundary between layers at about 12 kilometers above sea level?

the way the altitude changes the temperature changes

Atmosphere layers are distinguished by what?


What characteristic divides earth's atmosphere into layers?

The characteristic is temperature. While pressure diminishes with increasing altitude, it is dependent on the underlying air masses. Temperature changes vary consistently within each of the major layers (troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere).

According to what changes of layers its classify by what?
