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Salt is Sodium (Na) and Chloride (Cl) - NaCl

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13y ago
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9y ago

The chemical formula for table salt is NaCl which means that both sodium (Na) and Chloride (Cl) ions are found in the same quantity. A 1:1 ratio. Table salt is Sodium Chloride, which is NaCl.

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11y ago

NaCl stands for one Sodium atom and one Chlorine atom. That would be the molecular structure of table salt.

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12y ago

Table salt is basically Sodium Chloride (Na=Sodium, Cl= Chloride) and water is Hydrogenic Oxygen.

I pretty much think that the water one is right... I'm not sure, SORRY!

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9y ago

the number of elements in the compound. Na=sodium. Ci=chlorine. H=Hydrogen. O=oxygen. The number represents the number of atoms in the compound. H2O=two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom.

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6y ago

Table salt, NaCl is formed from Na and Cl.

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12y ago

that it's ionic

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Q: What does the formula for the table salt indicates about that compundd?
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What does the formula for table salt indicate about that copound?

The formula for table salt is NaCl. This tells us that it is an ionic compound. Meaning the molecule is held together by electrostatic attraction between the atoms. It also indicates salt will form an ionic lattice and when dissolved in a solvent it will separate into Cl- and Na+ Ions

What is the formula and compound of table salt?

Table salt's chemical formula is NaCl. And the compound name is Sodium Chloride.

How do you write the chemical formula for salt?

The chemical formula for table salt is NaCl.

Rock salt or table salt?

Rock salt and table salt have identical chemical formula: NaCl, sodium chloride.

The formula for table salt is NaCl. According to the law of definite proportions this means that the formula for table salt?

Yes, the formula unit of sodium chloride is NaCl.

What is the name for the chemical formula NaCI?

NaCl is the chemical formula for common table salt.

What does the formula of table salt indicate about the compund?

Table salt , NaCl is formed from Na and Cl.

What does the formula for table salt indicate about that compunds?

Table salt, NaCl is formed from Na and Cl.

What is the chemical formula of table salt?

The answer is NaCl.

What is the element formula for table salt?


What is the atomic formula for salt?

Table salt, or sodium chloride: NaCl

What salt has the formula NaCI?

Sodium Chloride - or common table salt.