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"Coucher" is a verb (of the 1st type)

2 key possible transations

a/ Verbe pronominal "se coucher" --> to go to sleep

ex: "je vais me coucher" --> I am going to bed / I am going to sleep

b/ "coucher avec .." --> to sleep with someone (implying intercourse)

ex: "demain soir, je vais coucher avec ma femme" --> "tomorrow night, I will sleep with my wife."

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 11y ago

It depends how you say it, it could mean going to bed or simply lying down.

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Q: What does the french verb se coucher mean?
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L'heure in French means "the time". Example: "Time for bed" in French would be l'heure de se coucher.

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Se coucher: Je me couche Tu te couches Il se couche Nous nous couchons Vous vous couchez Ils se couchent You can also have "aller au lit", but se coucher is more common.

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To go to bed is "aller au lit" or "aller se coucher" in French. Go to bed! is "va te coucher!"

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How do you say lets go to sleep in FRENCH?

I go to bed is 'je vais au lit' or 'je vais me coucher' in French.

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How do you say time for bed in french?

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When do you use se in french?

When talking about a verb in the infinitive tense, "se" indicates that it is a pronominal verb, ie, it requires a pronoun. For example: Se laver = To wash yourself In French, pronominal verbs are conjugated as so: Je me + verb Tu te + verb Il/elle se + verb Nous nous + verb Vous vous + verb Ils/elles se + verb Therefore, you can either use "se" when indicating that a verb is pronominal, or when you want to conjugate such a ver at the 3 person singular or plural.