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After you confession your sins, the priest asks you to make a good act of contrition. This is extremely important as without real contrition AND a firm purpose of amendment your sins are NOT forgiven even when he gives you absolution. He then gives you a penance to perform and then he absolves your sins and dismisses you.

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Q: What does the priest give after confession?
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Does a priest go to confession?

Yes he does

Can you actually give a confession over the phone?

No, you cannot do that. The new phone "apps" are to assist those in making a proper confession. A face to face meeting with a priest is still required.

Who do you need to tell your sins to in a Roman Catholic ritual of confession?

In the Roman Catholic sacrament of confession, you confess your sins to a priest.

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What will wash your sins way?

Discern whether or not you're truly sorry. If you are. Go to a priest and give him your confession. Your sins will be absolved (by God) through the priest. Then you can start fresh. The previous sins will be forgotten.

How many essential part of confession?

There are three essential parts to the sacrament of confession in the Catholic Church: contrition (sincere sorrow for sin), confession (telling one's sins to a priest), and satisfaction (performing the penance prescribed by the priest).

What is it called when you admit your sins to a priest?

When you admit your sins to a priest it is called a confession. Some say it is better to confess your sins to a higher power so that it is only between you and them.

Can a Maronite priest hear confession?

Any priest with Faculties granted to him by his Bishop may hear confessions. ANY priest, even without Faculties, and even a priest who has been lacizied (removed from priestly minister for some reason) may hear confession in danger of death, and should.

What colors does the priest wear in reconciliation?

Roman Catholic AnswerA priest always wears violent when hearing confession.

Can a priest take a confession from a non Catholic?

Roman Catholic AnswerAnyone can talk to a priest if he has time, but he can only give absolution to a validly baptized Catholic. Confession (Penance) is one of the seven sacraments. In the normal course of events only Baptism may be received by a non-baptized non-Christian (who would then be a baptized Christian). In an extraordinary case, there is a way that a non-Catholic, for instance, an Eastern Orthodox Christian, who believed in the sacrament of Penance and was in danger of death, AND HAD NO WAY TO GET TO HIS PRIEST could apply to a Catholic priest for Penance. In the normal course of events, if you believe in the sacrament of Confession, then you should talk to a priest about instructions with the intention of converting.

What is involved in the catholic reconciliation process?

Before you go to confession, you must examine your conscience and pray for q good confession. Then you sit before the priest and confess your sins, mortal and venial. He will "forgive your sins" and give you penance (usually prayers). End.